
Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24th Worst Comes with the Best

Today started out one of the best ways it could go, I would wake up in my cosy closet. I don't typically sleep in a bed because of the rather bother sum troubles it causes me. I sleep in a closet for it is the best way for me to get the best sleep to help out anyone who needs any help today. One main reason why I don't sleep in a bed is because the mattress does not cover my lower back causing me to have horrible back problems to become horribly worse and worse as my so called "life" continues. Though I will say as an audio engineer I have one of the best foundations for anything to do with troubled problems I am one of the highly recommended audio engineers for problem solving in my area. I laid a foundation on my hard wood floor to create my new bed that solves all my problems when sleeping on a normal bed would cause. The foundation of my new "bed" can be removed at any time if I wish to do so. Here is what I have in my closet. A normal thin sheet followed by a heavy comforter then a crimson fleece mid blanket. Then a meditation pillow I use for my feed followed by a 6 foot fleece pillow for my body this is covered with sheets so the Greece from my body wont dirty the pillow. I have two head pillows one is a stuffed pickachue pillow which I adore the other is a temperpedic pillow I use in the summer and some times for occasional support for my head. I have two more pillows one to support my lower back and one to hug during the time of which I sleep I love my pickachue pillow's I don't know what I would do without them :D. Since it's the course of fall right now I have a heating blanket to cover me my love able pickachues and blankets I sleep with I haven't been able to sleep with out it's just how I roll when I sleep.   When I wake up I write in my about 6ish in the morning, depending on how long I sleep when I go to bed sometimes it's 8pm sometimes it's even 7pm it's a twelve hour cycle I sleep. It's funny when you think about it I have tried many experiments where I would go to sleep at 7:30pm and wake up at the exact time of 7:30am. After writing in my book which I only have about two chapters left before I go back and polish the rest of the book before re writing it before I publish it, because I have the basic idea down it's just the book is way to boring and every great writer/cook will add a few spices to the dish to polish the taste/look of the book. I am an expert when it comes to cooking, as well as making music. Writing is a new topic I have yet to have my hands on that and photography I can't wait until I hit the open doors with my camera capturing life in the light of my eyes. I am also an actor I have had a few non union jobs, but they didn't go any where just for the sheer enjoyment of the director it has been fun I have been a few shows one would be breaking bad as an extra another would be for comedy of a 1930's act. The list goes on, but I never have been in anything bit my style of acting is unique and I have a desire to go far in this side of the street. After I would write in my book about 3 to 4 hours later I would walk around the house to see what else everyone is doing. My mother was going to go grocery shopping perfect timing for me to get out of the house and out of the way of my dad since he has about seven kidney stones and doesn't care for my feeling which is very rude considering I help out a lot in the house, but I don't like to complain either so I will just leave it at that. This is the worst I have ever seen my father in, yesterday there was a towel with blood covering the towel, turns out my dad had some hemorrhoids that popped which is very very gross, but then again the human body is a disgusting yet beautiful thing. I went out with my mother shopping for about three hours came back, my mother went to check on my father while I put the groceries away. My dad was being in a lot of pain so I went into my room to work on some of my music, and eat while watching naruto. I came back down to discover that my mom was in her room, I text ed my friend to see if it was all right to see if I can go over to his house to have some fun since all I hear all the time is a lot of pain problems I can understand how he feels because I too have had something similar, but I won't go into that issue right I will have to leave that for anther blog post. My friend only lives about four blocks from my house. Grabbing my Gothic jacket with my skateboard and Dr.Dre studio headphones to head out the door. Walking up listening to Skrillex's music aka "my name is skrillex" is the name of the track if you all want to know he a brand new artist coming out of the lines of dubstep, progressive house, and trance taking his music in a whole different dimension of music culture. While I arrived at my friends house we played a couple games watched some fail videos and ate some taffy and I said my goodbyes I road down the road on my enjoy skate board. Now I know what some of you are thinking I am not rich in fact I am a very poor kid who lives in a mid class family. I just save up my money from what I get from side jobs and birthdays as well as Christmas money to save for these kinds of items. It also helps to be a grand kid too, but that has faded out since I am 19 now. After I came back from my friends house I watched some more anime ate and worked on my music. Though I still have a lot of work on my hands to do, finish a site, but since it is Sunday I like to take it easy listening to afterdark while I drink chai tea and watch the stars from my barred window. Our house is covered in bars from some reason we don't live in a bad neighbourhood it's just how the house was built like an Adams family house. My mother and father are at the hospital right now I am just worried sick about him even knowing he has no respect for any of my emotions and I know I don't think while I talk, but I understand that what I don't understand is why they tell me useless info when I am the most reliable person to answer the phone? This is what drives me crazy I think it's their old brains trying to tell me something new, but I all ready know what they are going to say. I answer my cellphone more than anybody else in the house my mother is the worst at least my father has a belt buckle we got my mother one she doesn't even use it and she all ways curses and wonders where her phone is all I can do right now is face palm. I know I wasn't suppose to point fingers, but my parents drive me nuts and sometimes I don't think they understand me at all, my dad may think what I know, but really has no idea, he knows what I like and that's about it. Well that concludes today's topic I will see what I will do about tomorrow hope you guys/gals had a little understanding of how I work. Thanks for your time in my boring life.
-Jordan Burgard the first

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