
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What happened this past week including Monday and Halloween! "October"

I've got my james my chai tea lets get this going. Lets start from sunday of last week shall we. Sundays are what I like to call my "day off" from everything even music making just sit back listening to AfterDark music such as paris or madrid watching the sun come up to the sun going down every night it's such a wonder full sensation. Though it's not like I sit in my office chair looking outside, this is where I read either listening to my BX8a's or through my Audio 4 DJ with headphones. Though I can't look out side too much since my windows points directly to another house and some of the street and thats it. Though if you saw where I work I'll have to upload a pic or a little movie of how I work. Getting back to where I was I made a list and it's very rare that I do everything on my list I have to be right in the mood to do everything on the list. Since I don't sleep in my bed my bed has just been piling up with dead machine crud. I have been looking on google maps that will take an old terminal monitor and to recycle old dead motherboards. I put in an effort when I try to look for a recycling plant and I am usually pretty lazy on my day off.  Found out that this "Recycling place" doesn't open on the weekends so it's a shame. After that I looked what new photographs where taken on facebook and on google. I live in the midwest and I really would love to live in washington stat it has been an all time dream of mine. Though not in a big city like a very very small city with about a thousand to about two thousand people and live my life there. I am sure that I would have to live in the big city to work, but thats fine for me. Since I live in the midwest or in this case Albuquerque, New Mexico there is nothing to do here and there are too many people here as well. This is also the place where I have been living my whole life and it is super boring the only time I have been out of the state is on some family vacations, but nothing too big. I used to resent going out on trips when I was a teenager, but now I can see why I would want to leave it's very boring here, well if you have been living here most of you "life". Though that is sunday for you just watching the sky listening to my jams I will tell you at the end what I listen to for those of you who love just watching or writing while you sit back and relax the melodic sound dive you deeper and deeper into your own world.
      Monday:  Mondays are usually my sleeping days to catch up on all that good sleeping that I have been missing in the morning on my school days, that and studying of course. I would either stay up the whole day or I would sleep as much as I could during that day. When I would wake up I would eat and go back to sleep or stay up and work on anything I have to do whether it would be school work or on my site or even designing my logos, or music making. I have a lot going on inside the internet such as a fan base is building up on my music, web, my artwork, and one big smash hit my book! Mondays are where I would get everything lined up for the week ahead of me. Such as school lunches, work and resumes. One of the best things about my Monday is that I don't let it get to me in other words. Most people who rely on Mondays to be there oh I am just waking up for the week. This 100% true for everyone even my self who I don't even party. Mondays are a day to where you work in the week for what you might be doing. A big tip I received from my mentor in my audio engineering days is. "Don't worry about Mondays, even if you are ready for a Monday the rest of the week is going to be much much harder for you. Though you might be ready for your Monday you won't be ready for the rest of the week." He is true about this I was ready for a monday and not ready for the rest of the week. Let your monday be the day to crossfade into the week if you mess up don't worry you'll make it kid. You might ask me why I talk in old lingo the reason for this is I was raised by my grandparents and a lot of old shows. I am 19 once in while you will hear me say some pretty old lingo it's a little funny, but thats just how I am.
     Tuesday: Tuesdays are my working days I try to get everything I am suppose to get everything out of the way so my study days "Wednesdays" are where I can focus on my school and internet objectives. Usually every Tuesday starts out the same way. I would either wake up eat, pre pair my food for my lunch at school or; stay up eat about an hour a head of time then pre pair my lunch about 15 minutes before I leave for school. Once I am at school I have about two hours of math and then my lunch. By the way I have a very thorough math teacher who is kind of funny this is a great way to learn. If you have a funny teacher your going to get great grades in that class. The only problem that I have in the class is how I am feeling if I am tired I can get all the info down right then and there. If I am awake then I will barely get any info at all and then I have to go study in the lab for about four hours until I understand all the methods of problem solving. After math class I listen to skrillex on my headphones and walk to the car and eat lunch in the car. I park the car in the sun so I can sit in a nice toasty car while on the outside since we are heading into winter weather conditions it's nice to eat in a warm car and eat. One more thing I love to do is download a pod cast and listen to it while I eat. Preferably a funny one so I can eat and laugh at the same time. About fifteen till 12pm I would walk from the farthest path away so I can listen to my jams and get set for my theater class. One of the best things I love to do is to make sure I am un-pre paired for this class is because the rest of the class doesn't know what we are doing anyways. We could be reading we might not or we might even watch some clips or talk about them. Though in college you want to have very active teachers or funny ones at least if you don't have either of those it's going to be a very very boring semester, so spice up your semester and find funny or very active teachers. The rest of my tuesday is getting all of my goals and chores out of the way so I can have wednesdays to work on my music or art.
     Wednesday: Wednesdays are usually my twitter and info days, whether I would work on my music or my website, logo's, art or even my misc it would be on a Wednesday. I all ways have a rule on what time I wake up if I would wake up 5am to about 12pm I would have to write in my book. If I wake up past or before this time I can't under any circumstances I can't work in my book, it's just a rule I have and it's one that works for me best. All right so on this day I would help out my mother or my father with anything they would want me to do, once I am done with all of what ever they would want me to do. I would sometimes work with my mother to develop the best logo or design since I live in a family of all artists sometimes you want different expressions on your work to get a better or a different angle on  what looks best. After I would work on my art I would switch over to my music, now this can get kind of tricky since when you make your own music it all depends on how you feel or that might just be how I work. If I don't feel all that great I will just make drum kit's or synth parts or small parts. When I feel like composing I would start on a the first park or the hook to get people interested in my music. Nobody or at least in my expression. Nobody wants to hear a solid 4/4 beat that will drive anybody insane. Deadmau5 has a 4/4 beat, but at least he mixes it up once in while it's not just straight forward. After I am done with my music I would eat and work on my homework for thursday. On thursday I have to turn in homework for the week. The processes repeats for next week until the end of the month is when I have tests on math and theater. About six thirty I would eat and get ready to goto church, call up my friend to see if he can drive me since we have been the best of friends for about 5 to 6 years. After church I would goto his place watch a couple of funny videos play games and walk home. Since my friend only lives about four blocks from my house, I would jam while I would walk to my house. When I would get home I would eat and work on my school work.
     Thursday: The same school schedule repeats here. Except that I would turn in my homework during the beginning of class. Though school would continue the way it was planned for that day. After school since I am sick of it I would go home eat watch a couple of youtube videos and take a walk outside. Usually I would do this about two or three times a day for exercise. This can happen any time over the weekend. After my friend gets off work we would eat and goto a teen church service called "Wake" I forget what it stands for, but it's a lot of fun! This is where my weekend begins, after church the church would invite us to chick fa le the owner of the church owns that chain. It is open to the church people from 10pm to midnight. My friend and I would decide weather or not we would not go, if not we would eat some where else or go to his house and hang out watch videos and play games. After that I would walk home and get started on what internet or studio project I have going for me. Although since this was the week of halloween I had to get everything ready including my costume. This lead me to the idea that I would have to sleep in order to get all my parts ready. Even though I have had all my parts from six months ago I still lacked some key parts.
     Friday: Since I woke up late I realized what time it was I only had about two hours before a couple of stores closed luckily I only live about 15 min from each store so I had plenty enough time. Grabbed my keys wallet and ran out the door. First store I went to was the spirit store located inside the mall. Buying a Hairnet, walking out of the store playing a skrillex track in the car while I drove over to the other store, to buy my cosmetics. One of the key parts I needed for my costume was makeup. I wasn't going to a grocery store to buy grease makeup, this can cause your skin to break out in zits this is not what I wanted at all I wanted professional makeup that would help out my skin and I could wear it anywhere at any time. This is what lead me to the M.A.C store not the apple store where you buy all your computer and music players. This store is very pricy for its makeup, although it will last you a long time and it helps out your skin too! Now mind you I don't have a job, so I had to break my piggy bank to go over and buy some makeup, but now I am set for life on cosmetics. This all ways breaks my heart because I am saving up for a special product for me to finish my book completely this product all ways sets me farther and farther away :"(. Anyways once I had everything for my costume I would eat and fall asleep for the next day I am all ways so tired.
     Saturday: This day is where I would catchup on all my Audio engineering videos and shows that missed over the week such as, Family Guy, Southpark, The Cleveland Show, Haven, Rookie Blue, Warehouse 13, Eureka, The LXD and The Vampire Diaries, I watch these on . Once I am caught up with everything I would work on my Art and Music. Since every saturday I would give away a free track and artwork for those who follow me on Twitter and Facebook you can follow me here and here to get some free goodies!/Jordanburgard :D.
     Sunday: This is my devotion to god, walk around and view everything while I would walk around just trying to get a better view on things, this might change my dreams I have or even inspire me to include some of this into my book. I love nature, but since there is not enough of this in Albuquerque once I am ready I will move out of this state and only comeback to visit friends and family.
Monday: The Cycle repeats, though I will have to tell you new rotation of this week will be because I need to get out of this cycle!

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