
Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Night Log "Entry One"

Prologue: I solved all my issues that have lead up to this point, I know what I must do and need to do to become my "All Star" status and I am on the way to completing this task.
The Night log? What is the Night Log?
      The Night Log is a power full tool that gods above have given to me above, the "Night Log" is point in the universe that I will become tired and when I am tired if I am not affected by time or the sun I can achieve greatness beyond my years or perhaps even the greatest tasks of all time. The "Night Log" will be ideas that are passing by in my mind that I will take note of that will either be happening right now will happen or just some thoughts that I will create, design or perhaps even have some of the most thrilling ideas of my time. This ladies and gentlemen are the "Night Logs"


Topic number 1.

"Cable is worthless if you have a computer you no longer need a Cable".
      These are my thoughts on why society of the new era will no longer need Cable, but just a computer. If you are born in the new century of the 21st century you will no longer need Cable. Right now as I write there are shows hosted on the web called "web series" the web has shows TV and news all ready on it, the TV is just a bigger frame for Internet access once we eliminate Cable there will be only Online Cable. The only reason why we still have Cable or satellite is the fact that older couples are used to it and can't live without it. The reason is simple because they where born before the TV and see it as the only connection to the outside world on what is going on, or just for entertainment. Bottom line is once the older generation dies off the world will live on computer Cable.


Topic number 2.

"Movies are worthless unless it affects you, movies will influence you subconsciously without you knowing it! The only thing movies are good for are for dates and wasting time!"
     Think about movies over the early beginnings of the 1890's when film was first introduced you will notice some of the most boring pieces of work. Well think about it, those movies have no subliminal advertising in them they are just strict plot which is why I think we should watch more of them. This will influence our minds in a way that not only will be impervious to ads, but we will also be stronger story tellers and even stronger conversationalists. Movies over the course of the 1900's it has slowly been increasing like the climax in a story line or even in a techno song. I am not going to lecture you in the history of film after all these are my thoughts on it not a lecture class. I think the most influential ads in movies are the ones right now we don't even think about it because it is not suppose to make you think it is suppose to make you go out and buy products you really don't need. For example when I saw twilight the character Robert Pattinson plays "Edward" I bought with the little money I had to struggle for was Honey colored contacts. I don't wear glasses or even contacts I can see 20/20 through my eyes. I faked exams to get a prescription to these color contacts because I thought that it would radically change my appearance towards women in a suttle change. Turns out that I didn't even need them in the first place that is a 500$ down the drain for fake causes all because I thought I would attract more women that way. It turns out that the subliminal advertising in "Twilight" the movie tried to influence me in something I am not. I have realized this and found my own formula for picking the best and right women for me, but that is my secret I won't ever tell not even if I am dead because I choose that I will never die. Getting back on the subject.
      If you pick out a movie after the 1950's up until now I can point out subliminal advertising and you can too, if you don't believe me for your self rent a movie after 1950 and watch it carefully!


Topic number 3.

"Get everything out of the way before you start to brain storm ideas!"
Now we are cooking! This is a perfect way to start on a big project and get it done with time to spare to do what ever you want! When I mean get everything done out of the way I mean get everything that might clutter up your brain thoughts. Before I started this blog for example I needed to do a few things first, because I knew if I didn't I couldn't get anything done it would still linger in my mind and it would suck majorly in short terms I knew I wouldn't get anything done. This is just a short example that put me here on this train ride of thoughts and ideas I need to get out of the way. I eat in my room because I am a producer an artist who is creative in the moment, I realized before I wanted to start some serious thoughts I needed to take care of these dishes so I did. When I realized what I did the thought of the messy food dish went away disappeared from my thoughts and left me feeling great and didn't distract me from my brainstorm! This is only one of the many tasks I had to take care of before I started this, the next will be another example because I feel like I should only get to the main thoughts instead of a story. I do however have a novel I have completed and started to work on my second master piece, but that's for another time. Now I have a bigger mac computer and I run a lot of maintenance on it to keep me on the top of my game because I am an artist who pushes his computer to his limits every time I use my computer. So I had to make sure I would get all of the maintenance done during this thought process. I am killing two birds with one stone so to speak and it makes me 2x as more efficient as I used to be. You should follow these steps if you have a big test, homework, or even a lot of projects to get done.


Topic number 4.

"To understand how to make a masterpiece you first have to build it from the ground up. Like for example a pawn to be the next king why because a king to be the next king is just stupid. The next king in the line of the other king would be a pompous prude ass. No one wants that!"
Taking my topic in the same direction I will elaborate I was having a conversation with my mother, father and brother about Chris Brown singing on Saturday night live the other day with the guy who looks just like me his name was Russell Brand. My brother was saying that if you listen to the music closely in the background you can find that there is another artist who made the music and had a famous singer just take over to make the song really big in this case it was Chris Brown! I was saying to my brother that if your a famous artist or an underground artist like my self you want to have your Carrier built from the ground up not have a famous artist take over and make it their song while you did all the work! My mother says this. "Well how would you like it if the only way to build your status as a famous artist would have to have to have someone like Rhianna singing over my tracks?" This is what I had to say and for the first time my brother had my back on me with this one. "That's not what I want to be known for if this artist hadn't teamed up with Chris brown if wouldn't haven gotten so famous so fast. This is how I will not want to be know, think about it if this artist put out music without Chris Brow he would probably only sell a few copies in the stores it's sad, but it's true if you are a famous duo with a pop star you aren't going anywhere. My reply to my mother in short terms was this. I don't want to be that guy who is an underground artist who is only known for making music with a pop star that's not where Joel Zimmerman found his way of becoming famous. He is famous for who he is not for what he can do with someone else.  I want to build my house my castle from the ground up not have it built for me."
     In short terms it can be said in these few short sentences. "It is better to build the house/Castle your way with all of the little perks, however it will take you a really long time but you will have your perfect house/Castle. On the other hand if you are lazy and want to have a lot of problems you can sign a contract with a pop star and build your pre-built Castle with a starter kit and run into a lot of problems in the long run." "In other words you can have a large amount of cash for a short while, while it lasts or you can have a large income for a steady pace for the rest of your life." "last one. Would you rather be known for that guy who works with that pop star? Or would you rather be the pop star your self?" Some people choose the first option, but I am not complaining to them they want to make their own decision if they want to.


Topic number 5.

"If you are one of those people like me who make is paranoid by the atmosphere than read on if not skip this one"
"Atmosphere (if you are like me) is everything because it affects me not physically, but subconsciously in my thought processing bubble."
      My Atmosphere has to be arranged just right or I can't get anything done. For example I am a person sensitive to light it burns my eyes and even makes me have ocular migraines aka the black star and fuzzy TV screen affect to where I can't see anything, but I know my eyes are open it make my head hurt too. Anyways I duct taped my windows so that way I would have no light and changed all my digital clocks to analog it just makes me a little more comfortable. I am an Atmosphere kind of guy I need to be in what I like to call "No time" zone. The "No time" zone is a place where I can get everything I want done  in what ever time I choose, because time does not exist either. Think about it if you are on a weekend day with nothing to do and have a lot of "time" to spare just make time disappear from your life, make sure there is also no sunlight so you can't tell what time it is, its to necessary but it will help immensely!
     This is the first time I am in "No time" and "No Light" zones. I have to be honest with you it's awesome I am getting more done than I would ever have gotten in my entire life because I can do it on my time. Just try it you will be very surprised on how much you get done!


Topic number 6 (last one for this Log)

"News is not News anymore!"

Have you ever noticed while reading the news paper now a days that it's not news anymore its a whole story from a book. In the early years of news papers there was not a lot of news just short sweet simple segments. Really there is not a lot going on in the world right now that we really need to worry about everything is all speculation and stories. I just read the headline in a newspaper and that's it because that's all the news you really need to know if you feel like reading a story than read the paper, if you just want the news read the headline that giant bold text headline is all the news you need for the day! The media is struggling for new content everyday that's why there is such a big story is because most of it is pure hypothesis and speculation anyways. Right now I can tell you that the stock market with out any help from the Internet and news papers right now that we aren't fooling our selves it won't pick up for another two years as sad as it is, we are stuck in the worst economy Chrisse's of our lives.
With that entry in this ends the first day of the "Night Logs"

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