
Monday, January 3, 2011

New "things" on the way!

So this year I have decided that, I need to get a few things going on the horizon. What I mean by things is exactly what I am saying things. It's a great to generalize a word to express the excessiveness of what's going to happen this year. For example one of these things are my new "Album" for this year which will be done at the end of july, giving me a total of 7 months to create my master pieces. One of these rules that my manager gave me is a great list of what the album is going to be, but there is one major rule I have when it comes to music. I don't let a normal manager with no experience in making the art himself to listen to how I am making my music; what's going on in the process or which direction I am going with the track. I am glad that I didn't have the opportunity to let my manager listen to a template of my new song, thanks goes to my mother on this, when she meditates no one is allowed to disturb her <3. It's something quarky about me that once someone listens to my track before it is even closed to being finished I immediatly abandon the idea for that track which explains why I have over 730 gigs of unfinished projects. If my manager listens to the track and doesn't like it I have to start over from scratch I can't let him make changes to my work in progress. I don't know if it's from a past autism thing, but something about it just bugs the hell out of me. The only thing that my manager can do is listen after all he is just one of those types of people that can listen to a track and expect that the public will think it's a great hit or a bad one, thats the only great thing about my manager.

     Onto the next topic, a new thing that I have started in the past couple of weeks in the late end of last year is I have started a new. Book! Thats right folks a new book, this book is very different from my previous book lets just say it has the name Project in it. Now from my Project book it's futuristic, but not too far off in the distance to make everything around the book seem like it's too far off in the distance. Only about a couple hundred years. This "new" book I am working makes me want to write more of it I have a great hook and two chapters to it's name. The only problem that I am having is the fact that my laptop keeps crashing. With the way that things are now if my laptop keeps doing this than I will have no choice but to goto an i-pad. When I buy something I make sure that it has everything I want before diving into a pool of confusion. I might be old, but I am not over the hill just yet. Technology is just one of those things that I love I was born growing up with it so it's just a natural impulse that I would dive into something like this. Getting back on topic now, the new book that I am writing on has a great beginning that I think a lot of the middle, solo "teens and children" can relate too. I how ever am not a middle child or a lonely teenager. I am the baby of the family and it really sucks, because the way that I see things is I will never get married. If I am going down I can't bare to have anyone else being dragged down with me, and besides I my self am to dark of a person to even be married to. Anyways the book has a lot of points for those to accept the feelings of the main character. That and there is a little bit of mystery to the story that will make those who read my work want to know more and more. This is exciting even for me to write about I think I am getting hungry just thinking about it, gotta wrap this up with one more little thing before I go and chow down.

     The last thing of the year. With the book, and my Album I have one last thing I will be working my toosh off, this my fellow readers is full time school. I will be taking 20 hours a week of school in order to get my skinny bony butt of to a wonder full 3 time part time jobs. If the program I am with will help me pay for these classes than I will be set. I don't think there will be any books, but just hardcore classes of solid hours put into these classes. Now the reason I am taking so many hours at this school is because what is planned for me in the future is that I all ready have my audio engineering degree, but one of the things that I notice more and more is the fact that something is becoming a little to easy for the future people to understand. What I mean by this is that all
-President of Burgard Records, and Author of many new books Jordan Burgard.

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