
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Scared of the World With the only plan I have!

I Am scared of the world because of what my brother has told me that and what I have seen. The world is a very scary place, if you don't have a plan to fall back on. I have a plan, but recently things have been a little more complicated than I once thought. There are so many options to explore. One of the things I can't take is  going to school, learning can be fun at times, but when it comes into perspective of the real world your time is wasting and this is what I don't want at all. I am currently working out a job with Ecc to see if they can find me a job. My brother is about four years older than I am, and has some real world experience we both want to get out of this state. This is what he told me and I realized he was right as much as I hate my brother because he annoys me to death and beyond is this. "I can't leave as much as I want to leave I can't because of school and you can't too because of the same reason. (I was thinking I have a choice where he didn't before, this is if the school that I graduated from can find me a job a great paying one too then I can leave I am set. If it doesn't work out like I thought because I only have one plan to get out of this city then I am stuck for life and I can't under any circumstance let that happen. As much as I need to get out of this city and my life started is as much as I wanted to tell my mooch of a friend bye!) With out a plan you have nothing you yourself don't have a job, you need a job more than school it self, with out a job your are screwed. If you can't get a job the least you can do is go for a business degree just keep chipping away at that degree, because most businesses need someone with a business degree in fact all businesses need it!" If a job like this doesn't work out the best thing I can do at the time right now is go for a business degree. I understand what my brother is saying now it took some time to compute. Though there is still one thing I don't understand and that is what then? What do I do when I have a business degree I will be stuck at the same place when I was contemplating about going into getting a business degree; if I get a job online that won't paying me much to live on there has to be something else I can do with my life! Living at home is fun for a while before you get so sick of the place your in you start to get a little crazy or turn into a zombie, I am to cleaver to turn into a zombie so I think at this point I will go insane. I have a lot of use full skills under my belt so to speak. I have been a white smith for a small business for six years now, basically turning dull parts to into shiny parts by polishing them. I have also been a small manufacturing worker for  the same time at this company. During my high school years I learned photoshop and began expanding my horizons with the company I worked for at the time. I made postcards for the company as well as small business cards and things along the line of this sort. I now have some real world experience that can use my talents for product placement, I have been using photoshopBurnie Burns of rooster teeth I shall say this. "If your starting something for the first time you want to go back and make revisions to it at least 2 times before you release it out to the public." With this said I have at least authorship under my belt along, with a lot of other talents to go underneath it now that I look back I have a lot of talents under my belt so I have a pretty big belt. I make music I have been for at least five years now, and since this cascaded into my audio engineering I consider this a major skill. Even before I was in my audio engineering college course I was a DJ for about four years this is an other hidden skill I have. I also have one other skill in my sleeves, but I feel that this is a little too secret to spill all over this blog, lets just say when I have a true girl friend who really loves me for who I am and who I love her for who she is she is going to love me even more ;). Never the less getting back on topic. I have recently just given out a sample CD of my work to a local guy who has been in a lot of bands over the course of 15 years. He now works at a local grocery store that provides us with out food since our family is a little "special" we can't eat any normal foods that everyone else can eat. Anyways my mother was shopping there one day and I guess my mothers reaction to what I hear from is.  Jordan you need to get an agent for your music! So I went back on a Tuesday when he was working and from what I herd is that I am pretty great at what I create on my own time. He has given me some little tricks that I can do in order to copy right all of my ideas for under 10$. Tuesday which is today I will be copyrighting all of my music, symbols, and of course my work. Then I can start giving my friend who works at the grocery store a whole bunch of my music and start to sell my EP on itunes. Though what I realized where my brother failed is that he is not taking the path that I am taking and I pray to god it turns into something beautiful!
To whom I was refereeing to as one of the great writers of this generation was Stephenie Meyer's who wrote twilight.
-Jordan Burgard

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