
Monday, November 22, 2010

The Process The Beginning!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but there is a little trouble on the home front with our family business my mother looking for a full time job while my father works 15 hours everyday to come home eat and then sleep. Things have been very hectic here at home a lot to think about now that I have started to read and things have started to change for the worse, but I am not going to let that ruin my life for now. I have to start teaching my self some of the more "basics" in photoshop. I even had to bust out my one click mouse just unwrapped the plastic a few seconds ago to make a mouse for my laptop. Normally I hate the mouse 1 click mice the reason for this is because it is only 1 click. I like a hybrid for my mac computer PC mouse meets mac is perfect fit. Like Edward for Bella. I have also just started to read twilight to get a feel and understanding of how my book should be read and how it should be written. Though I am a novice writer I would still like to state that my book is about 800 pages long! I have to cut a lot out, but in a way its just as exciting as if you put the release of Twilight and Tron together it has been a life long dream to write this story it is finally complete well at least the first book is anyways! Back to the topic at hand.
    The Beginning
    Now I am pleased to announce that this is just the beginning phase of what I am going to do with my life and my future projects. In the beginning there will be the first "crafts" of just the short things I will be doing, then comes molding or the "Middle"part. Then finally I will finish the projects with the "End" making the finale product with as little glitches as possible. This way I can make what I intended in the beginning just a little more polished as well as "nicely done" as some people might say.
     What happens now? Now is the start of a lot of new things that I need to get into before I start to mess up my life permanently! What I need to do right now is to get a little bit more of my acting in gear so I can get an agent. This a long term desire that I have all ways wanted ever since I was a little kid. If this does not work out I can all ways become a great Author this is one part that I all ready am beginning to do. Now that I have my book out of the way I can "Dissect" the twilight book and as an actor I can get a feel for the character and story line. Thus making my book as great or even better than twilight that I hope to achieve. Now you might be thinking what makes you so different that everyone else trying to copy the idea? I understand completely what other "copycats" are trying to with the idea that twilight is such a big book because of vampires. I bet you that they have no idea what makes twilight so great and if you knew too you would agree that they are way off topic. On top of this is not my intent at all I see things differently than other people and I constantly dream of it, thus not making me even on the same plane as everyone else. Now I am not talking out of the "box" I am talking about something else entirely different with my idea's for books, music, acting and even life in general if I had the money I and experience with movies I would make twice what everyone else makes. Why? You may ask what makes you so different. This is because I come from a long line of twisted artists thus making my outlook on life much different than your own. For example some ordinary people might thing that the movie "paranormal activity" is such a disturbing movie. To me this is just stupid and not scary at all if you give me the money that the movie people made I could make a million dollar movie of how messed up and crazy of a person my imagination can take you. Now I am going to give you some home work, I would like you to type in on you tube "The cat with hands" it's a clay motion short of a cat with human hands. Just to show you this might be disturbing to some people, to me it makes me laugh everyday things such as disturbing or horror or even grotesque just makes me laugh. What really makes me laugh is how weird out family members can get with our twisted heads full of all the weird stuff we can come up with to make everyone laugh around us, well at least within the family. We are a poor family, but we sure can scare everybody for life with our ideas. Getting back to topic there have been a lot issues I had to deal with like going to the hospital after I failed a test by turning in my test while looking at someone Else's test answer I knew right then and there that I had failed the test. I am sure a lot of other people did too, but what makes me mad is that this test was different than everything else this test was a bunch of word problems, this is what we vaguely did in class coverage of 1210 math. Now why would a teacher create a test full of word problems that we barely covered in a or 1 section. This doesn't make any sense don't get me wrong the teacher is funny in all it just doesn't make any sense he has seen the whole class fail on simple problems as well including my self. It just doesn't make any sense why would he do that he works out the problems with us, I know for a fact that now he is just using tests in the past. Though it's super easy just to scan the "Master Test" and make a few changes on it to dumb it down for the rest of us. Personally I think he is just lazy he wants everyone to understand the math, but I think is too lazy to realize that even the smarties in the class even have trouble with problems as everyone else. This is a Fail on the teachers part. Getting back to what I am doing with my life, it turns out that I missed registration because I had too much other things going on other than school. One of the major things that set me back was trying to get in contact with a lady from ECC from when I completed my audio engineer training and received a certificate from the school. Their job is to help me organize a resume and to get me hired. I am in the final stages of my resume. One of the problems I ran into with this is that for the past week I have been trying to get into contact with her to finish up my resume before I started another semester of school. I called her several times and sent her numerous emails to talk to her on urgent matters. The first day she was sick so I couldn't get mad at her for that the other time she called me and I was very busy at the grocery store with my mother so I had to call her back in an hour. The hour passed and turns out she was on the line with another person, so I called her back the day after out to lunch. I called her in an hour on the line with someone else now this has been going on for a full week. It's not her fault it's kind of my fault as well, but it's serious business I have been trying to push my resume for more than a week trying to get a response back from her, and I guess I will have to try early today to snag her and talk about what's going to happen. This is just one problem out of many I also have to call DVR to see if they can pay for my school again only this time now that I am almost finished with my CNM school. I will be moving on to continuing education which will teach me multimedia for future work. If this doesn't work out with ECC I all ways have a back up plan. This is what is going on in my school life right now, my mother has been egging me on about school and this is probably the last time I am going to tell her to get off my back about this or I am going to quite everything that has to do with school. I seriously don't know why this happens I think that this might be a safety mechanism that my subconscious has to where as I hear to much of it I quite its not even something I can control either; this will become a bigger problem in the future if I even have a wife that thinks on the same level as I am. 
     Getting off of the school subject I have been trying to arrange my site for my self as an Artist & Author for people to come hangout and chat like Face Book only a little bit more nymph on the forest side of life people who just love nature and love to listen to music. This was going to be a big project to release a lot of new things such as patches for other artists those who mess around on music and photo shop as well as people who come together and act. This was going to be more of social site for artists and those alike. This site was going to be an explosion for my new book with great new sound and wonder full eye candy this is the Beginning the beginning of a new type of site. I had bought some tutorials off of eBay for beginners for catalyst CS5 which I also have as well to start to use. The whole reason why I am doing this is because I don't want my information to leak out why this is going to be such a big deal! I have a formula why this is going to be such a big thus I have to do it my self, this is the whole reason why I am doing this. I am trying to build the site on my own, but with all the distractions of not getting back into the video tutorials I have to start all over again this weekend. I also was trying to learn python to get an Ableton job, but it seems I also have to learn that all over again :(. 
      So what is going to have to happen now is I am going to have to re-learn everything all over again to start to build my site I will mention why this site is such a big deal. It's not only a dream come true, but this idea will break a lot of how we as a community looks at the web it's self! Once I have everything relearned I will have to start on the remaking of my book as well trying to Analise different parts of my site to go along with book and where and how I am going to save up to make all the copies of this book. I have a lot to do not just on the site, but for my music to be copyrighted, my book is copyrighted thank god! Just getting everything ready to do some fun stuff can be such a pain! I have a lot going on and my mother thinks I do nothing all day LOL! What's very sad is she doesn't know about the internetz so I has to tech er about that too :"( this is going to make me cry. Anyways with out further a due I am going to stay why this is such a big deal on the Internet I even have everything copyrighted for this as well which is why I am so excited. I am just going to say it and leave everyone in awe about what's going to come! I love you all I just wish everything would turn up for better I really need to get out of this state I want to so desperately move to Oregon and become part of the community! Anyways here we go!
My site is going to be Holographic.

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